Redtail Cocktail Party and Silent Auction – by Art Centre

Hello from the Art Centre!
Just want to send a quick note to let you know that tickets are still available for our annual fund raising event on May 31, 2014.
The Redtail Cocktail Party and Silent Auction Saturday May 31, 2014 from 4:00pm to 7:30pm In the Club House of the beautiful Redtail Golf Course Business casual attire
Tickets are $100 ($65 charitable tax receipt) the Chef on site for the day is Redtails' own Chris Squires.
Many local business and organizations have generously donated very unique goods and services to the Silent Auction. This year we will also include more original artworks from Local, regional and national artists.
For tickets or more information, just give us a call! 519 641-4040
Thank you in advance and see you soon,