Looking to buy a home in a new subdivision in Strathroy?
Part 14, in our series of Purchasing in a New Subdivision in Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc
When will the Builder complete the grading, sodding and any unfinished exterior work?
Sodding of your lot may be carried out months after construction to allow for settling. It may also be delayed after occupancy of your home due to seasonal availability of sod. Contact your Builder to find out when exterior work will be finished. Municipal consent to occupy the home will be granted as soon as safety and basic service requirements are met, however, this does not guarantee that the home will be completed to the homeowner's satisfaction. For example, the Municipality will grant occupancy when one toilet and one sink are installed and operational, regardless of the number of washrooms included in the house plans. Purchasers are urged to review completion issues with their Solicitors.