Give Back Today!

The YWCA St. Thomas-Elgin is seeking volunteers during their January volunteer recruitment campaign through 8 individual roles allowing applicants to find their best fit. Consider making the commitment of a volunteer role over a 6 or 12 month period. As a not for profit, charitable organization, volunteers play a big role in our organization!
Each role is unique in the experience that it will provide to their clients as well as their volunteers. In order to provide the best experience possible, training will be provided consisting of program specific best practices as well as health and safety training.
Giving back is a rewarding experience for all involved. Volunteering allows you to meet new people, learn from others, and share your life experiences and expertise. For more information about each unique role and how to easily apply online visit
Give back today!
#ywca #stthomas #community #giveback #volunteer #dougtarryhomes #applynow